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Application Development Company in London

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters,

search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour nd the like).


What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of improving a website's visibility and ranking on search engines like Google. By optimizing your website for relevant keywords and improving its overall user experience, you can increase the chances of it showing up higher in search results when people search for related topics or products. This can lead to more traffic and potential customers for your website.

SEO ranking is complicated. Search engines like Google use many factors to decide which websites to show first in search results. For example, they check if the website has keywords that match what the user searched for, if other websites link to it, and if the website is easy to use on a phone. They also check if the website is updated often and if people stay on it for a long time. The location of the user can also matter. This is because search engines want to show results that are useful and relevant to the user's location. SEO ranking is always changing because search engines are always trying to improve with new algorithms.

Lets Talk about Your SEO Requirements

Our executive will provide a free consultation to suit your business needs.

Analogy of SEO

SEO process is like farming. As a farmer plants the seeds, nourish them with water, protect from pests to see the tree grow and give fruits for long term. Similarly in SEO process we have to create appealing site, develop quality content, achieve quality backlinks, protect site from updates to get long term results. SEO results will take time but the benefits can last for long term.

Benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • SEO helps in generating traffic and leads.
  • Leads generated with SEO has exceptional conversion and close rates.
  • SEO helps in reducing the cost by generating free traffic instead of investing in Pay Per Click Ads .
  • Top ranking helps in attracting local customers to the respective store, shop, or website.
  • Google Algorithms rely on authenticity; hence, if your website ranks first or second through proper SEO, it helps establish your reputation.
  • SEO is helpful to improve user experience, page navigation, faster page loading, mobile friendly site, and updated content for users.
  • Good SEO for website will helps in Brand Authority and Visibility.
  • SEO process helps in generating mentions from other reputed sites.

Types of SEO Services

We offer customized SEO Packages which suits your business and industry.
  • Website Development
  • Application Development
  • ERP Development
  • Testing
Core servicesCore services

Local SEO Services

If a potential customer or client is in proximity of your location, then Local SEO will be useful for attracting this client. According to industry reports, 80% of the customers call or visit the local business within 24 hours after search. Internet is the best medium to brand products and services on a local level. We can make your product and service accessible in the nearby vicinity. At Codezee Solutions, we understand the importance of Local SEO and make the best use of it to generate a good leads and increase profits. We believe that Local SEO is an untapped goldmine. So what are you waiting for? It is indeed a great opportunity to reap benefits through Local SEO strategies.

Don’t lose this brilliant opportunity; instead, contact Codezee Solutions and enhance your business presence on Google Local & Map Results. Our local seo experts can provide professional guidance, and they are highly skilled in Local SEO in London. It is important to rank better in local listings & Maps. Hence, following local SEO guidelines helps in improving the rankings.

Our experienced team members would ensure quality results for your business. Codezee Solutions team of local SEO specialists is erudite enough with more than 15+ years of experience in the industry. Our Local SEO service is specialised in garnering quality leads and calls and provides invaluable help to small-scale and medium businesses.

The digital era brings forth an increase in searches for local businesses. The general query of every user is directed towards stores or services which are in proximity. The ‘near me’ keyword is a new success mantra on Google. No business in this digital era should ignore Google My Business (GMB).

Our SEO Strategy

Codezee Solutions strategy and approach are more objective and based on proper research. It is also based on unique client requirements. However, the fundmantal process will remain same for most clients.


    At Codezee Solutions, our SEO experts would initially discuss and understand your business. There will be a complete brainstorming about products & services, keeping your business requirements in mind. . The key features include business details, niche market, specific geographical area, and target audience. Also, it is important to delve into the business of the client to plan an overall strategy.


    Analyzing the competitor is akin to espionage. It is important to put on the detective glasses and start analyzing the competitor and competition. After identifying the competitor, it is important to find the keywords that the competitor is using. A thorough and holistic understanding of competitor websites is necessary, and analyzing what is working and what they lack would give a competitive edge in the overall business strategy. Apart from the Keywords, it is important to check the backlinks and study the content available on competitor websites.


    It is akin to understanding the customers' behavior and what the general user is looking for on the Google search engine. SEO experts at Codezee Solutions carry out detailed keyword research. We use dynamic SEO tools to extract high-ranking keywords. Our experienced SEO professionals are experts in analyzing data and chalk out a strategy to boost traffic on the website.


    Our SEO and Web design team will analysis your existing website and provide a detailed suggestions about what needs to changes as per SEO prespective. In some projects it may be recommended to redesign the entire site for better results.

What our
Clients say about us

  • “ They provided good quality code, bugs are resolved quickly, they available for the emergency, and they are flexible to work with. I recommend to work with them to get your application created. ”

    Peter M

    Founder at Narmada

  • “ They provided good quality code, bugs are resolved quickly, they available for the emergency, and they are flexible to work with. I recommend to work with them to get your application created. ”

    Joe H

    MDG Chairman

  • “ They provided good quality code, bugs are resolved quickly, they available for the emergency, and they are flexible to work with. I recommend to work with them to get your application created. ”

    Peter M

    Founder at Narmada

SEO Services FAQ's

Which is Best SEO Company in London
Codezee Solutions is one of the Best SEO Companies in London. We are in SEO Industry from past 15+ years. We have experienced many Google Updates and able to change our SEO strategies as per the latest updates.
What type of SEO Strategies your company use for Ranking?
We use 100% White Hat SEO Strategies which are as per guidelines of Google and other search engines.
How much time does it takes to rank on Top positions?
Search Rankings will totally depends on industry and competition of keywords. Most websites take atleast 3-6 months for generating ranking for long-tail keywords. In longterm both medium tail and short tail keywords get ranks.
Can you Guarantee 100% 1st Position on Google?
No,We are a professional SEO Company and we don't make promises we cannot deliver. As SEO Rankings are very complex and depends on more than 200+ factors, so the results will change dynamically.
As Google is integrating AI & Machine Learning algorithms, How will your SEO Services help?
Google has been added AI & MI algorithm since 2015. These algorithms help Google to simply the queries and match the content easily. But still the majority of the ranking factors in Google will be dependent on Content & Backlinks. With our SEO Strategies we will make your website SEO Friendly by following all Google guidelines.
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